EVIPNet- El Paso, Texas

EVIPNet- El Paso, Texas

Country Profile


  • Workshop. From the 12th to the 16th of March, a workshop on "Addressing  and preventing violence and injuries though informed public policies" was held in Ciudad Juárez. Decision-makers and academics from the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) participated in the workshop in which they received training on the preparation of policy briefs (compendium/summary of policies). The thematic facilitators of the workshop were from CONAPRA, ICESI, and PAHO and the methodological facilitators came from the technical support group of EVIPNet-America.
  • Experts and decision makers get together to address non-communicable diseases and environmental changes on the U.S.-Mexico Border
    Experts and decision makers gathered to address non-communicable diseases and environmental changes on the U.S.-Mexico Border. During this gathering and with the support of EVIPNet Americas, Evelina Chapman, held a training workshop for researchers and policy makers on producing policy briefs. Marcelo García Dieguez and Juan Manuel Lozano of the EVIPNet support team facilitated the sessions. The final outcome of this workshop is expected to be a policy to reduce injury and death from violence. As a first step the group committed to developing a policy brief addressing violence with the intent of having a deliberative dialog pertaining to violence where key stakeholders could discuss the best policy options. A visit to the Observatorio de Seguridad y Convivencia Ciudadanas del Municipio de Juarez, Chihuahua Mexico, was also organized. The observatory is the responsibility of UAC, the municipal government of Juárez, and PAHO.