EVIPNet- Ecuador

EVIPNet- Ecuador

Country Profile

The Ministry of Health of Ecuador has presented the letter of intention to join formally EVIPnet Americas. The Ecuadorean team has been active since attending an EVIPnet workshop in Santiago de Chile and is working in a policy brief on maternal mortality.


  • Ecuador: FORNISA 2011

    Invited by the Commission Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONASA), PAHO participated in the Foro Nacional de Investigación en Salud (FORNISA)-an annual event that convenes delegates from all over Ecuador to discuss issues on research for health. During FORNISA 2011 working interinsititutional groups gathered to analyze proposals for a National Health Research System. The two conferences delivered by Ludovic Reveiz, titled "Situación Internacional de los Sistemas de Investigación en Salud" and "Líneas estratégicas para la conformación de redes de investigación en salud", were especially relevant. See also the interview to Luis Gabriel Cuervo in page p. 7 here.