EVIPNet- Colombia

EVIPNet- Colombia

Country Profile

Oswaldo Salgado and Adriana Mendoza, from the PAHO office, and Evelina Chapman, of EVIPNet Americas, discussed the establishment of EVIPNet Colombia taking into consideration the separation of the Ministries of Health and Labor. Upon examining relevant documentation for developing a plan a mission to Colombia will further the discussion to establish an EVIPnet team.


  • From June 25th to 29th 2012 two workshops took place, one on the development of policy briefs for two cohorts of experts, addressing two themes proposed by the Ministry of Health: adherence to the rules against propaganda snuff and safe reduction of salt intake. The second workshop was on conducting deliberative dialogues and was offered to three EVIPNet teams dealing with snuff, salt, and promotion of healthy drinks. To carry out these workshops successfully the collaboration of the focal points on chronic diseases and the leadership of Dr. Fernando Ramirez, Ministry of Health, were key. The work is being fulfilled as per the proposed plan coordinated by Evelina Chapman with Luis Gabriel Cuervo, Tomás Pantoja, and Mauricio Soto as co-facilitators.
  • Workshop. 1-3 February 2012. In response to a request of the Ministry of Health a mission traveled to Colombia to participate in the officialization of the EVIPNet-Colombia initiative. During this mission an introductory workshop on the preparation of policy briefs for policy-making was offered to a broad range of stakeholders. Previous to the workshop another session was offered to a smaller group of researchers and policy makers to explain the process to elaborate "policy briefs" on the prevention of infant obesity. The workshop was led by the Ministry of Health with Evelina Chapman helping in the organization and coordination of the events. The facilitators of the workshop were Luis Gabriel Cuervo, Marcelo Dieguez, and Evelina Chapman. See more here.
    PAHO was invited to participate in Expouniversidad (Universidad de Antioquia) where a diverse cadre of professionals including biologists, engineers, and academics were avid to hear about PAHO's platform for knowledge translation (EVIPNet). See an interview with Evelina Chapman on EVIPNet's innovative aspects and its contribution for more robust policymaking. U de A - Expouniversidad: Evelina Chapman - YouTube
  • International Seminar on Health "Innovación: desafíos y oportunidades"
    "EVIPNet Networks to support policy formulation and decision making" was the central conference during the International Seminar on Health "Innovación: desafíos y oportunidades". Evelina Chapman, EVIPNet coordinator, made the case for utilizing evidence for more robust health policies.