Briefing on A(H1N1) influenza pandemic by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization. Friday, June 12, at 14:00hs ( Washington, DC Time)
WHAT: Briefing on A(H1N1) influenza pandemic by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization
WHEN: Friday, June 12, at 14:00 HS (Washington, DC Time)
WHERE: PAHO. 525 23rd St. NW, Washington, DC (Corner 23rd St. & Virginia Ave)
WHO: Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, regional office for the Americas, World Health Organization
HOW: Briefing will be by Phone-In, Elluminate, webcast, email, and in person.
ELLUMINATE: Room in English:
Room in Spanish:
Transmission through Ellluminate (Only requires that you write your name and country: "John Smith - USA")
QUESTIONS BY EMAIL: During this press conference, questions can be sent through this email:
Conference Details:
Start Time: 14:00 HS * End Time: 15:00 HS (Washington Time)
Verbal Passcode (to be given to the operator): PAHOPressCall
Leader Name: Norman Spirt
Participant Dial-in Numbers. Generic Call in numbers:
U.S. Toll Free: 888-299-4099
Canadian Toll Free: 866-682-1172
International Toll: 302-709-8337
Country specific numbers (dial exactly as listed from the respective country):
International TF Countries
Argentina 0-800-666-1736
Australia 1-800-077-126
Austria (Mobile Restricted) 0-800-292-170
Bahamas 1-800-205-2851
Belgium 0-800-71340
Brazil 0-800-891-9639
Chile 1230-020-6148
China - North (Mobile Restricted) 10-800-714-0774
China - South (Mobile Restricted) 10-800-140-0750
Colombia (Mobile Restricted) 01-800-518-0325
Costa Rica 0-800-015-0519
Cyprus 800-961-49
Czech Republic 800-700-549
Denmark (Mobile Restricted) 80-884-696
Denmark (Mobile) 80-888-848
Dominican Rep 1-888-751-4420
Ecuador(Mobile Restricted) 1-800-010-510
Finland 0-800-112-589
France 0-800-907-064
Germany 0-800-182-2342
Greece (Mobile Restricted) 00-800-161-220-31561
Hong Kong 800-903-545
Hungary 06-800-13582
Indonesia 001-803-016-1561
Ireland 1-800-625-002
Israel 1-809-450-032
Italy 800-781-190
Italy (Mobile) 800-788-849
Japan 00-531-160-454
Luxembourg (Mobile Restricted) 800-261-27
Malaysia 1-800-813-821
Mexico 001-800-514-9940
Netherlands 0-800-023-1030
New Zealand 0-800-448-553
Norway 800-195-26
Panama (Mobile Restricted) 00-800-226-0032
Poland 0-0-800-111-4702
Portugal (Mobile Restricted) 800-819-642
Puerto Rico 1-866-686-3047
Russia (Mobile Restricted) 810-800-237-51012
Singapore 800-101-1588
South Africa 0-800-998-242
South Korea 00-308-131-585
Spain (Mobile Restricted) 900-947-029
St. Kitts/Nevis (Mobile Restricted) 1-800-205-3047
Sweden (Mobile Restricted) 0-200285821
Switzerland (Mobile Restricted) 0-800-561-209
Taiwan 00-80-112-6691
Thailand 001-800-156-203-9940
Trinidad-Tobago 1-800-205-2851
UAE (United Arab Emirates) 800-017-0435
United Kingdom 0-800-028-1126
Uruguay 000-40-190-111
Venezuela 0-800-100-4022
Verbal Passcode (to be given to the operator): PAHOPressCall
Leader Name: Norman Spirt
Conference Features:
- Participants are instructed to dial in 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
- When dialing in, Leaders and Participants will hold the line for an operator.
- Participants will verbally give their passcode to the operator.
- Leaders will need to identify themselves accordingly to the operator when they dial in.
- The conference will have a Backdoor Line to the attending operator. Please dial 877-709-8255 to establish the connection.
- The conference will have a Question & Answer Session.
- All participants will be muted during the Question & Answer session.
- Participants may reach an operator by pressing *0 on their telephone keypads. Leaders cannot reach an outside operator while in Q&A Mode.
- Participants' Organization will be taken for the Participant List. The participants will then be placed into the Main Conference where they will listen to music until the conference begins.
Q&A Instructions:
Press *1 to ask a question.
Press # to remove the question from the question queue.