The Virtual Campus launches a series of seminars to improve the technical skills of its teaching teams

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Washington DC, May 29, 2024 (PAHO) - The Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) launched a series of training seminars for tutors involved in the courses offered on the educational platform. The purpose is to improve the technical skills and capacities of its teaching teams, in virtual tutoring.

Gabriel Listovsky, head of the Virtual Campus for Public Health, Special Program, welcomed the participants, and pointed out that "the educational approach of the Virtual Campus is aligned with the perspectives of continuing education in health and the international perspective of life-long learning." He also highlighted "the importance of the Virtual Campus as an educational platform for PAHO to support all of the organization's technical cooperation processes focused on the transformation of health services".

The seminar series, with 140 enrolled participants, demands a total commitment of approximately 15 hours of training which includes three synchronous sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours, and an additional 10 hours allocated for asynchronous activities within the virtual classroom. The topics addressed during the series include: VCPH educational approach, essential competencies for teaching and assessment of learning. The sessions provide opportunity for practice, dialogue, exchange and brief activities in workshop format. They can be conducted in Spanish or English, depending on the language of preference.

Participants include PAHO officials from the regional and countries offices as well as colleagues responsible for designing courses for the Virtual Campus from academic institutions in the region, ministries of health, among others. 

These seminars are specifically targeted towards individuals responsible for tutoring courses. Other activities focused on the design and management of self-learning courses will be offered throughout the year.

As a special program of PAHO, the Virtual Campus operates through a decentralized network comprising individuals, institutions and organizations that share open educational resources on public health topics relevant to the Region of the Americas, through the use of information and communication technologies.