World Health Day 2017: Depression - Let's Talk


Washington, D.C., 28 February 2017 (PAHO/WHO) - Depression affects an estimated 350 million people worldwide each year. It is one of the leading causes of disability in the Americas, where there remains a substantial treatment gap driven by factors such as poor access to healthcare, inadequate financial investment, and social stigma.


That is why this year the World Health Organization has chosen depression as the theme of its annual World Health Day campaign, which is celebrated on April 7th. The campaign, whose slogan "Depression - Let's Talk" stresses the importance of talking about the disorder as a vital component of recovery and stigma reduction, aspires for more people, in all countries, to seek and get help for their depression. In addition, it aims to inform the general public about the condition and help relatives, friends and colleagues of people with depression to provide support.

In honor of the campaign, the Pan American Organization (PAHO/WHO) Mental Health and Substance Use Unit is working closely with country counterparts to develop initiatives and activities that increase awareness of depression in the Region. On April 6th, the Unit will hold a discussion panel on depression at PAHO Headquarters in Washington D.C., from 9:00-10:30 am.

More information on the campaign, including links to handouts and posters in multiple languages, can be found at and at