PAHO's Deputy Director Updates OAS' Group of Friends of Haiti on Outbreak Situation

Washington, D.C., 28 October 2010 (PAHO/WHO) - On 27 October, PAHO Deputy Director Dr. Jon Kim Andrus made a presentation about the cholera outbreak in Haiti to the Group of Friends of Haiti, which represents member countries and observers to the Organization of American States. Dr. Andrus presented the latest numbers coming from Haiti and talked about PAHO's work in that nation, along with other U.N. system organizations and ONGs.

The Group of Friends on Haiti is an advisory group to the Secretary General of the OAS. It provides support for various activities, such as those relating to the strengthening of democracy, the promotion and protection of human rights, and the social and economic development of Haiti.

PAHO serves as the specialized organization for health of the Inter-American System. It also serves as the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization and enjoys international recognition as part of the United Nations system.