Social Inclusion towards Universal Health Coverage

Social Inclusion towards Universal Health Coverage

On Monday 3 February 2014 at 10:00 am, the Pan American Health Organization will host the second seminar on Social Inclusion towards Universal Health Coverage. This seminar will be moderated by PAHO's Assistant Director Dr. Francisco Becerra Posada.

Join PAHO for a Seminar on Social Inclusion towards Universal Health Coverage
As it prepares for the post-2015 agenda, PAHO has launched a seminar series on Universal Health Coverage: Building a Path Forward in the Region of the Americas. The goal is to strengthen capacity, dialogue and partnerships in the promotion of universal health coverage. The Seminar Series seeks to provide PAHO staff and partners with the latest evidence and knowledge from experts, demonstrating in the process how to channel current capacities, skills and tools toward promoting effective Universal Health Coverage responses.
The second seminar, Social Inclusion towards Universal Health Coverage, will feature guest speakers Dr. Maitreyi Bordia Das, from the World Bank, Dr. Rosilene Mendes dos Santos, from the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance of Brazil (ANVISA), and Dr. Patricia Frenz, from the School of Public Health at the University of Chile's Faculty of Medicine. These guest speakers will present the latest evidence on social inclusion, and discuss opportunities and challenges in using this evidence to address the universal health coverage agenda. 

When    Monday, 3 February 2014, 10:00 am to 11:30 am (Washington, D.C. Time)

Where    Room C, PAHO HQ Building. 525 23rd Street N.W., Washington DC, 20037, USA.

The session will be broadcast through the following links:


  • Dr. Francisco Becerra Posada, Assistant Director, Pan American Health Organization


  • Dr. Maitreyi Bordia Das, Lead Social Development Specialist, World Bank
  • Dr. Rosilene Mendes dos Santos, Advisor, National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance,   Brazil  (ANVISA)
  • Dr. Patricia Frenz, Assistant Professor,  School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile
  • Dr. Luiz Galvão, Chief, Special Program on Sustainable Development and Health Equity, PAHO


Pan American Health Organization