PAHO: No cases of poliomyelitis have been reported in the Region of the Americas since 1991

PAHO: No cases of poliomyelitis have been reported in the Region of the Americas since 1991

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and regional office of the Americas for the World Health Organization (WHO), has advised that no cases of poliomyelitis have been reported either in Ecuador, Venezuela or in any other country in the Region of the Americas.

Washington, DC, 26 September 2018 (PAHO/WHO)—The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and regional office of the Americas for the World Health Organization (WHO), has advised that no cases of poliomyelitis have been reported either in Ecuador, Venezuela or in any other country in the Region of the Americas.

The last case of wild poliovirus in the Americas was reported in 1991 in Peru. The Region was certified free of the virus by WHO in 1994, a status that is still maintained.