Dr. Pastor Castell-Florit Serrate, career public health servant of Cuba, is winner of PAHO Award for Administration

Dr. Pastor Castell-Florit Serrate, career public health servant of Cuba, is winner of PAHO Award for Administration


The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) today recognized Dr. Pastor Castell-Florit Serrate of Cuba for his service to public health by presenting him with the PAHO Award for Administration.

Washington, DC, 26 September 2016 (PAHO/WHO) - The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) today recognized Dr. Pastor Castell-Florit Serrate of Cuba for his service to public health by presenting him with the PAHO Award for Administration.

The award recognizes Castell-Florit's outstanding leadership and valuable contributions to the management and administration of the Cuban National Health System.

"This is one of the most important days of my life," said Castell-Florit in accepting the award before an audience of ministers of health and other high-level delegates who are in Washington, D.C., this week for the 55th PAHO Directing Council meeting. He said that for him, good health management means "doing the best one can to improve health using whatever resources are available."

Castell-Florit dedicated his award to colleagues with whom he has worked throughout his career, to his parents, family and wife "for their unconditional support," and to Cuban public health advocates before him who "believed firmly that a better world was possible."


Castell-Florit is currently director of the National School of Public Health in Cuba as well asprofessor at the Cuban Academy of Sciences. During his 45-year career, he has held important positions at all levels of the Cuban health system, ranging from local director of health to deputy minister of health in Havana. Additionally, he has served as a consultant to other countries including Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Costa Rica.

Castell-Florit holds a master's degree in administration and public health from the School of Public Health of Mexico and a doctorate in health sciences. In addition to his contributions to the Cuban health system, the PAHO award also recognizes his research, teaching, and numerous publications in national and international journals.

Established in 1969, the PAHO Award for Administration is given by the governments of the Americas in recognition of an outstanding contribution in the field of administration within the framework of the national health services to a candidate who has improved health development through the management or execution of services and programs, teaching, and research. The Award consists of a diploma and a cash prize of US$5,000.

Former winners include Dr. Miguel Angel Lezana Fernandez of Mexico (2014), Dr. Aron Nowinski of Uruguay (2012), Dr. John Edward Greene of Guyana (2011); and Dr. Elsa Yolanda Palou of Honduras (2010).

Other Cubans who have won this award are Dr. Francisco Rojas Ochoa (2005), Dr. Eduardo Bernabé Ordaz (1997), Prof. Oscar Mateo de Acosta Fernández (1991), Dr. Arnaldo Tejeiro Fernández (1983), and Dr. Roberto Pereda Chávez (1977, posthumously).

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