PAHO and SEGIB publish analysis on South-South cooperation in health in Ibero-America

PAHO and SEGIB publish analysis on South-South cooperation in health in Ibero-America

la-cooperacion-sur-sur-triangular-iberoamericaThe Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) today released the publication South-South and triangular cooperation in the health sector in Ibero-America (available in Spanish only).

cooperacion-triangular-iberoamericaWashington D.C., 25 April 2017 (PAHO/WHO) - The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) today released the publication South-South and triangular cooperation in the health sector in Ibero-America (available in Spanish only).

The publication presents a joint analysis of trends in South-South and triangular cooperation in health that was shared during the XV Ibero-American Conference of Ministers of Health in Cartagena, September 2016.

On that occasion, ministers of health from20 spanish and portugues-sepaking countries of the Americas welcomed the analysis, noting that it "allows the generation of added value and synergies between these institutions, while at the same time showcasing the efforts of the Ibero-American countries and their ministries of health in this area."

The publication is available in the PAHO/WHO Institutional Repository for Information Sharing (see link below).


South-South and triangular cooperation in the health sector in Ibero-America (Spanish)

Declaration of the XV Ibero-American Conference of Ministers of Health (Spanish)