Technical Mission in Belize for the Regional Initiative for the Elimination of Malaria

Meeting with CHW for malaria field activities

Belize City, Belize, January 26, 2022 (PAHO) PAHO/WHO Belize, the Ministry of Health and Wellness, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the National Malaria Control Programme, are currently on a technical mission, in the context of the Regional Initiative for the Elimination of Malaria (RMEI), to keep Belize on track to eliminating malaria and being certified as malaria-free this year.

The technical mission includes site visits at the national, regional, and district levels where there is an increased risk for malaria transmission. The goal is to update the country's monitoring and evaluation framework including surveillance, diagnosis, and treatment, and to establish future goals. Thus far, the team has visited Santa Cruz, San Narciso Polyclinic, and Northern Regional Hospital meeting with administrative staff, health facility staff (doctors, nurses, etc.), community health workers, and volunteers. The team will continue visits to other areas in the Northern and Western Region of Belize in the upcoming weeks.

Belize continues to have zero malaria cases to date. 

Malaria Field Visits in the Northern Region