In March 2022, PAHO in collaboration with Basic Health International, started convening a training program for the implementation of the HPV test for targeting medics, nurses and laboratory personnel in Antigua and Barbuda. This initiative consists of didactic sessions given by experts from international organizations, government institutions and academic centers throughout the region. At the end of the training, the phase of implementation will follow, for which PAHO is providing support with the purchase of equipment and reagents to carry out the test.
The training is expected to help the country strengthen its cervical cancer control activities, with the implementation of the high-throughput test to identify and treat women with high-risk HPV infection and/or premalignant lesions.
This project will highlight the available support of the PAHO Strategic Fund for the acquisition of HPV testing equipment and supplies to ensure timely access to HPV testing at affordable cost. Ultimately the objective is that this pilot project can be adapted for other countries in the Region in support of cervical cancer elimination goals in the Americas.