Brazil and PAHO/WHO Will Cooperate in System to Monitor Emergencies in Health

Brazil and PAHO/WHO Will Cooperate in System to Monitor Emergencies in Health

The Ministry of Health of Brazil and PAHO/WHO signed at PAHO headquarters in Washington, D.C. a technical cooperation agreement on the adaptation and implementation of an information system for monitoring public health emergencies, known as SIME.

Washington, D.C., 24 September 2010 (PAHO)—The Ministry of Health of Brazil and PAHO/WHO today signed at PAHO headquarters a technical cooperation agreement on the adaptation and implementation of an information system for monitoring public health emergencies, known as SIME.

Photos David Spitz (PAHO/WHO)

The Minister of Health, Dr. José Gomes Temporão, signed the agreement for Brazil. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) was represented by its Director, Dr. Mirta Roses Periago.


The main objectives of the agreement are:

  • To produce a SIME version adapted for use in the Americas, and
  • To support the use of the system at a national system by the Member States of PAHO/WHO