PAHO Director Visits PANAFTOSA Headquarters in Brazil

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24 August  2010 (PAHO) - As part of her official visit to Brazil, PAHO Director Dr. Mirta Roses visited PANAFTOSA headquarters and met with the technical staff of the center to discuss the technical cooperation between PAHO's Veterinary Public Health Project and PANAFTOSA, the Pan American Center for Foot-and-Mouth Disease. 

Dr. Roses also presided a recognition ceremony for PANAFTOSA personnel.

The Director was accompanied by Deputy Director Dr. Jon Andrus, and Mr. Diego Victoria, PAHO/WHO Representative in Brazil (photos).

Dr. Roses' agenda in Brazil includes a ceremony in the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) to celebrate the 30 Years of the Elimination of Smallpox, meetings with the Brazilian Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Wagner Rossi and Minister of Health, Dr. José Gomes Temporão and other national authorities, a visit to PAHO offices in Brasilia and BIREME in São Paulo, as well as meetings with municipal health authorities in São Paulo.