Jamaica's Health Ministry And PAHO/WHO Sign Technical Assistance Agreement

Health Ministry And PAHO/WHO Sign Technical Assistance Agreement

Jamaica’s healthcare systems and services will benefit from technical assistance as a result of an agreement made between the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/World Health Organization (WHO).

The agreement was signed at a virtual ceremony by Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, and PAHO/WHO Country Representative for Jamaica, Dr. Bernadette Theodore-Gandi, on June 22.

Welcoming the agreement, Dr. Tufton said it signals a significant step that demonstrates the Government’s commitment to providing quality health services.

“So, in keeping with that commitment, the signing of this technical cooperation agreement represents another success story in public-health partnership which is resulting in a step in the right direction for the healthcare system,” he said.

Dr. Tufton said the key areas of focus are significant to the advancement of efficiency in Jamaica’s healthcare systems.

“The Government of Jamaica, through the Ministry of Health and Wellness, has committed to providing a voluntary contribution of US$800,000 to PAHO as a part of this technical cooperation,” he noted.

Meanwhile, Dr. Theodore-Gandi said PAHO and the WHO have always played a significant role in supporting the major development and implementation of policies, strategies and plans that are geared towards improving the health outcomes of persons living in Jamaica.

She explained that the technical assistance agreement will focus on key areas, such as strengthening the national public health laboratory.

“The development of a comprehensive strategy for technology transfer, training of human resources, quality risk assessment, biosafety and biosecurity. In addition, a review of the physical and environmental hazards will be conducted, in order to refurbish the national public health lab,” Dr. Theodore-Gandi said.

She added that supporting private healthcare reform, advancing health technology assessment and management, strengthening human resources for health, and strengthening the Government’s mechanism and stewardship of the Ministry of Health and Wellness and regional health administrations are also key areas of focus.