Suriname, June 22, 2022 (PAHO) - In response to the flooding in the interior of Suriname, PAHO has provided support through the deployment of a two member Regional Response Team between 28 May and 11 June 2022. This emergency deployment was activated following a request from the Minister of Health (MoH) Suriname for assistance in the health sector's response to the flooding. Assistance by PAHO was specifically provided to the Medical Mission (MZ) who submitted a proposal through the Minister of Health.
During this period the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) expert (Adrianus “Ton” Vlugman) and PAHO Belize Health Emergencies Technical Officer Lealou Reballos along with representatives from the Medical Mission and the Ministry of Health visited several affected areas and villages to assess the impact of the flooding in the interior, to identify priority health related actions and to plan for delivery of health response interventions.
Based on the needs identified and the specific request of the Medical Mission, supplies to support the health response including medicines, medical consumables, instruments, materials and supplies to facilitate continuity of healthcare and to support WASH as well as vector control were handed over to the Medical Mission and the NCCR. PAHO also provided technical assistance in the drafting of a contingency plan for flooding events for the Medical Mission and an assessment of the impact on WASH.
The PAHO/WHO Representative in Suriname indicated that “as a technical cooperation agency, this is one of the ways in which we provide support to countries and PAHO will continue to collaborate with the Medical Mission, the NCCR and other United Nations partners to support the ongoing response to the flooding”.