Washington, D.C., July 21, 2021 (PAHO) – Pan American Health Organization Director Dr. Carissa F. Etienne told an Organization of American States meeting today, “Together, we must continue protecting the health and well-being of all peoples during the COVID-19 pandemic even while we recognize the tremendous fiscal, economic, and social protection challenges faced by all countries as they struggle to meet the colossal demands generated by this pandemic.”
Presenting her annual report at the Permanent Council of the OAS, Etienne told ambassadors, “We continue to seek your steady leadership and unstinting support even at this time, as COVID-19 challenges persist for all countries of the Americas Region and solidarity is needed now more than ever.”
She outlined PAHO’s work in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the Organization’s role in purchasing vaccines for countries through its Revolving Fund, telling participants, “I am appealing to all Ambassadors to help us to preserve and maintain the Revolving Fund, as a regional public good. “
“COVID-19 will be with us for some time, and our work to bring the pandemic under control and mitigate its impacts must remain at the forefront of our efforts,” Dr. Etienne said.