The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) joined the Ministry of Health in providing community volunteers with key information and skills to enhance their contribution as part of the local community network in the prevention and control of COVID-19. Most of the volunteers were from the Red Cross Association of Belize City, Belmopan, and San Ignacio.
The training sessions included presentations on infection prevention and control strategies (hygiene, visitor control, bathing and toilet facilities, food, waste disposal, no smoking policy), managing of quarantine centers, circulation flow of persons, and use of various communication channels along with practical exercises to demonstrate the proper use and wearing of masks and gloves. The Ministry of Health has been constantly training at the local level on psychosocial support, thus enhancing the skills of volunteers.
The trained volunteers are now on standby to be deployed when required at various quarantine centers throughout the region of Belize.