President of the National Health Council visits BIREME

Presidente do Conselho Nacional de Saúde visita a BIREME

Fernando Zasso Pigatto, President of the National Health Council, was at BIREME/PAHO/WHO to share knowledge about the actions of the CNS and the Center's technical cooperation, with the aim of exploring possibilities for joint work. The CNS is a collegiate, deliberative and permanent body of the Unified Health System (SUS), part of the organizational structure of the Ministry of Health of Brazil.

On January 16, Mr. Fernando Zasso Pigatto, President of the Brazil’s National Health Council (Conselho Nacional de Saúde, CNS), visited BIREME to share knowledge about the actions of the CNS and the Center’s technical cooperation in order to explore possibilities of joint work.

Presidente do Conselho Nacional de Saúde visita a BIREME

Mr. Pigatto met with Dr Diego González, director of Bireme; Silvia de Valentin, Manager of Administration and Planning; Verônica Abdala, Information Sources manager; Rosemeire Rocha Pinto, librarian in the User Services area; Marcos Mori, representing Renato Murasaki, Information Technology Manager; and Dr. Lilian Calò, coordinator of Scientific and Institutional Communication.

CNS is a collegiate, deliberative and permanent body of the Unified Health System (SUS), part of the organizational structure of the Ministry of Health. Created in 1937, its mission is to inspect, advise and monitor public health policies in its most different areas, taking the demands of the population to the public power, that is why it is called social control in health.

According to Fernando Pigatto[1], meeting with Bireme representatives and researchers strengthens the already existing partnership between CNS and PAHO, in addition to signaling good results for actions in 2020 that can benefit public health in Brazil. “We were able to get to know the potential of a health sciences information Center with an international contribution, which can further strengthen health actions in our country. SUS is a reference for the world, we are well respected abroad”, he said.

During the meeting, Pigatto also presented the actions developed jointly with PAHO and learned about the cooperation developed between Bireme and other institutions that could use evidence in the health area for the development of qualified public policies. The CNS president also signaled that the discussions will be presented to the councilors in the coming months so that joint projects between CNS and Bireme can be developed throughout 2020.

[1] Source: News published on CNS’s Website: CNS e Centro de Ciências da Saúde da ONU planejam ações para fortalecer SUS em 2020. Available from: