Report: Evaluation of the Evidence Informed Policy Networks (EVIPNet). August 2010 -July 2012

Report: Evaluation of the Evidence Informed Policy Networks (EVIPNet). August 2010 -July 2012

EVIPNet Americas consists of national multidisciplinary teams, with different structures, and different knowledge translation processes, either because of the political subjects they approach or the time devoted to addressing said problems. Some teams work independently while others still need to grow stronger. Taking into account that the overall objective of EVIPNet is to bridge the gap between the use of research in the decision making process regarding programs, policies and laws and that it has been launched in the Americas in 2007, its impact and some results should already be available for their review. From August 2010 to June 2012, eight (8) EVIPNet workshops were developed, and they involved 16 countries and 277 subjects; and eight (8) evidence informed briefs for policies were finished. Other 16 are being developed. icon Report in English