Some 220 professionals complete the course on implementation and strengthening of Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs

Profesional de salud en hospital Maciel Uruguay

Washington DC, 18 April 2022 (PAHO) - Some 220 professionals from countries of the Americas completed the second edition of the Pan American Health Organization's Course on Implementation and Strengthening of Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Programs, hosted at the Virtual Campus for Public Health. This educational initiative was designed to provide health professionals with the tools they need for planning, implementing, and monitoring activities to optimize antimicrobial use in hospitals. 

The 12-week course included six modules on: (1) Introduction to the problem of bacterial resistance; (2) General and organizational aspects of AMS programs; (3) Microbiological and pharmacological aspects; (4) Education and use of information technology in AMS programs; (5) Other elements essential for the development of AMS programs, and (6) AMS programs and COVID-19: Approach to comprehensive disease management. 

The course was aimed at directors, managers, and health professionals (doctors, pharmacists, biochemists, microbiologists, and nurses) whose work is related to the use of antimicrobials in health institutions.

This initiative is part of the project "Working together to fight antimicrobial resistance", implemented with support from the European Union, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). 

Comments from participants:

"Excellent course. I hope that in 2022 we can reactivate the AMS program in our hospital. The information and resources they gave us have been very valuable."
"I found the course excellent, the way the topics were presented. Actually, I was fascinated because the information was completely up to date and applicable to our work setting."
"The course was very interesting. There is a long, hard road ahead but if all specialties and all sectors of the health system contribute a little, we can make a difference."
"First of all, thank you for the opportunity to participate in this course. Congratulations on the organization, development, speakers, and above all, the importance of each of the topics presented. Also, your strong support for these initiatives and programs make us want to work on AMS program in our own countries and address AMR as a serious issue."