Secretary of Health of Puerto Rico Visits PAHO

Dr. Lorenzo G. Feliciano, Secretario de Salud de Puerto Rico

Washington, September 17, 2010 - Dr. Lorenzo G. Feliciano, Health Secretary of Puerto Rico, met today with the Director and other technical experts of the Pan American Health Organization in Washington, to discuss a variety of themes including health system reform, dengue, and telemedicine. 

In addition to meetings with PAHO experts, Dr. Feliciano also outlined advances in "MiSalud," or "My Health," a plan that is transforming the current health system in Puerto Rico into an integrated, patient-focused model. 

Dr. Mirta Roses, Ministro de Salud de Puerto Rico, Dra Socorro Gross

Dr. Mirta Roses Periago, Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dr. Socorro Gross, Assistant Director of PAHO and Dr. Lorenzo G. Feliciano, Secretary of Health of Puerto Rico.  Photo: Sonia Mey-Schmidt, PAHO/WHO. 

Dr. Rául Castellanos, Coordinator of PAHO/WHO for Puerto Rico, Dr. Socorro Gross, Assistant Director of PAHO, Dr. Mirta Roses, PAHO Director, Dr. Lorenzo G. Feliciano, Secretary of Health of Puerto Rico, Dr. Jon Andrus, Deputy Director of PAHO and Dr. Heidi Jiménez, Legal Advisor of PAHO.  Photo: Sonia Mey-Schmidt, OPS/OMS. 

PAHO is working with Puerto Rico on a series of important subjects, including the fight against dengue, said PAHO's Deputy Director Dr. Jon K. Andrus. 

The Director of PAHO, Dr. Mirta Roses, also thanked Puerto Rico for its  support after the earthquake in Haiti, and its expertise and collaboration with health systems in other countries.

For more information please contact Daniel Epstein at (202) 974-3459, Communication Office, Pan American Health Organization.