TDR Training - Effective project planning and evaluation in biomedical research

Training Overview

During the four-day course participants work on their own research project and go through the various steps of project management. By the end of the course participants have clearly defined their project by setting goals, objectives, and measurable indicators, have developed a complete and realistic implementation plan and have defined an effective team work process. Researchers are more confident, have developed a more profound sense of responsibility and accountability and have increased their awareness of the value and challenges of working in teams.


Special Programme for Research and  Training in Tropical Diseases(TDR) - WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, World Bank

Centro Internacional de Entrenamiento e Investigaciones Médicas (International center for Training and Medical Research)- Colombia

Training Materials




Effective project planning and evaluation in biomedical research: Brochure [Spanish]

 Effective project planning and evaluation in biomedical research: Trainers' manuals

Trainers' Manual 

Step-by-Step Manual

Train-the-Trainer Manual

Effective project planning and evaluation in biomedical research: Participants' manual [Only in Spanish]


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