Trinidad and Tobago- Launch of World Health Day 2017


To celebrate World Health Day 2017, the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business Committee, in collaboration with PAHO/WHO, the Ministry of Health, and the UWI St. Augustine Guild of Students-Faculty of Medical Sciences, hosted a free seminar to discuss this year's theme, "Depression: Let's Talk".

The launch, which took place on April 12, was just the start of a national awareness campaign on depression and mental health. Among the activities planned, the Ministry of

Health, for example, will embark on a health caravan among schools, workplaces and communities for the rest of the year. Presenters included representatives from all the organizing institutions as well as mental health experts.

The Minister of Health, Hon. Terrence Deyalsingh, delivered a message to the country where he highlighted the fact that the government "has already begun to implement actions to address mental health related issues" and is exploring a new model of mental health care that is integrated and provides universal coverage. He also mentioned its partnership with PAHO/WHO on suicide prevention.