Paraguay - Multiple activities in celebration of World Health Day

Paraguay - Multiple activities in celebration of World Health Day

Paraguay DMS

PAR DMS 1A training workshop for journalists was held March 30 to socialize the contents of "Suicide Prevention, an instrument for media professionals". It convened 35 referents from the local media and press. The event was broadly disseminated and served to encourage radio and television presenters to comment on the celebration. The ABC color multimedia system (digital press, print edition, ABC cardinal radio and ABC tv) requested training for 40 journalists of its staff, which was successfully held on April 20.

Paraguay DMS2The ABC daily paper also published a special four-part supplement, highlighting the messages of Ricardo Torres, PAHO/WHO local consultant, and Dr. Antonio Barrios, Minister of Health.

Paraguay DMS3In addition, multiple community activities were carried out, stressing the importance of physical activity and providing basic information on depression and how to prevent it. One of those activities was held at Juan E. O 'Leary Square.
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