Bolivia - Forum: Experts analyze causes and consequences of depression


In commemoration of World Health Day, more than 100 experts participated in a discussion forum - "Let's talk about depression" - organized by the Ministry of Health in La Paz, to reflect on the approach to this condition in a technical, professional and multidisciplinary context.

The Vice Minister of Health and Promotion, Álvaro Terrazas, inaugurated the event in the presence of representatives of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), health-related institutions, universities, scientific societies, the National Police, and the Ombudsman.

Terrazas commented that 20% of the population in cities suffers from depression. In this context, he recommended visiting the doctor for timely treatment as for any other disease. "Depression can lead us to serious situations like loss of work, family problems and suicides," added the Vice Minister. In this sense, the Ministry of Health is developing the "National Mental Health Plan 2017-2021," with strategic lines to intervene in depression, especially among pregnant women, the elderly, children and adolescents.

The head of PAHO's non-communicable diseases area in Bolivia, Dr. Dora Caballero, reported that 5% of the world population suffers from depression in different ways, i.e. 370 million people, and is the fourth cause of disability.