President of Peru and PAHO Director analyze major health challenges

Lima, 14 March 2017 (PAHO / WHO) - President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski of Peru and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Director Carissa F. Etienne met to discuss the major health challenges facing Peru in the context of its approaching bicentennial in 2021 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

During their meeting, the two leaders identified opportunities for technical cooperation between Peru and PAHO in areas including water and sanitation, which Kuczynski said was among his government's top priorities as it seeks to expand access for the most vulnerable populations to promote health and development.

President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski of Peru and PAHO Director Carissa F. Etienne met

Etienne, who is in Peru this week for an official visit, welcomed Kuczynski's commitment to increase public health financing to nearly 6% of GDP by 2021. This level of health spending is called for in PAHO's regional strategy for universal access to health and universal health coverage, approved by all the countries of the Americas in 2014.

Another issue discussed during the meeting was the importance of tackling  noncommunicable diseases and traffic deaths and disabilities through action across different sectors, as these are serious public health problems in Peru and throughout the region.

Also participating in the meeting were PAHO/WHO Representative in Peru Raúl González Montero; Mercedes Aráoz, second vice president and legislator; Deputy Minister of Public Health Silvia Pessah; and Ambassador Roberto Rodríguez, advisor for international affairs in Peru's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Participats in the meeting were PAHO/WHO Representative in Peru Raúl González Montero; Mercedes Aráoz, second vice president and legislator; Deputy Minister of Public Health Silvia Pessah; and Ambassador Roberto Rodríguez, advisor for international affairs in Peru's Ministry of Foreign Affairs