Panama - New mhGAP-IG train the trainers workshop

PAHO/WHO hosted in Panama City, 13-15 March, a three-day training of trainers and supervisors workshop on the new version 2.0 of the mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders (mhGAP-IG), which was launched in 2017. The objectives pursued included familiarizing participants with the new version of the Guide and its training manuals, so that they can confidently utilize the different teaching resources and skills required.

The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Neerja Chowdhary from WHO's Department of Mental Health and Consultant Georgina Campbell. Representatives from Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico and Panama participated in the training. PAHO advisors directly involved in this program were also present.

The mhGAP Intervention Guide Version 2.0 is available online in English and Spanish at the following links: