PAHO and OAS renew agreement to cooperate on a public health response to the drug problem in the Americas

On 5 February, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Organization of American States (OAS) renewed a memorandum of understanding to work together in the improvement of countries' capacities to respond to the needs of people affected by the drug problem with a public health perspective.

The agreement lays out collaboration on policies and programs as part of a comprehensive approach to drug problems, including promotion of structured information systems, facilitation of access to integrated healthcare services, training of human resources, promotion of research, and dissemination of scientific knowledge on the subject.

PAHO's Substance Use Program and the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD/OAS) will be in charge of defining and coordinating activities with the ministries of health, the national drug commissions and civil society representatives, among other partners.

The memorandum has helped to promote the inclusion of public health components in national policies with the aim of reducing drug demand in the Region and has strengthened countries' capacities in the areas of human resources and drug information systems and their impact on health. 

The first meeting of the group that will define the work plan for the implementation of the renewed memorandum, was held at PAHO Headquarters in Washington D.C., on 1 March. It was attended by Dr. Francisco Becerra, PAHO, Deputy Director, and Ambassador Adam Namm, CICAD/OAS Executive Secretary, accompanied by representatives of the technical areas of both organizations.

The Member States' response capacity to the needs of the affected population will be improved and promoted through PAHO and the OAS joint and coordinated efforts, as well as by the articulation with other key regional and global partners.