Virtual Campus of Public Health has nine courses and more than 60 open and free webinars to strengthen capacities of health workers on the novel coronavirus
Washington, DC, September 1, 2020 (PAHO) - Nine virtual courses and more than 60 webinars in Spanish and English on different aspects of COVID-19 are being offered free of charge through the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Virtual Campus of Public Health.
The educational offer includes a course on basic precautions of hand hygiene in health facilities, which summarizes WHO guidelines on hand hygiene; another on how to put on and remove personal protective equipment, which aims to help health personnel protect themselves properly from COVID-19; and another course on the prevention and control of infections caused by the new coronavirus.
“Real-time training during global emergencies is critical for effective preparedness and response. The COVID-19 channel provides learning resources for health professionals, decision-makers and the public for the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). As the outbreak continues to evolve, new resources will be added and existing courses will be updated to best reflect the changing context,” says the Virtual Campus portal.
Courses are available on psychological aid in emergencies, clinical management of severe acute respiratory infections, such as COVID-19, respiratory infections, occupational health and safety, and emerging respiratory viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.
"Self-learning courses are freely accessible, free of charge, people can take them at their own pace, without defined times and autonomously," explained Gabriel Listovsky, Regional Coordinator of the Virtual Campus. In addition, the Virtual Campus also offers courses with tutoring, which are coordinated by teaching teams and have start and end dates. Eligible individuals may apply, and PAHO issues certificates for completed courses.
PAHO's Virtual Campus online learning options also include webinars that have been conducted by the organization’s experts and partners since the start of the pandemic. Topics addressed, which can be revisited at any time include convalescent blood and plasma services, recommendations on the use of chemical disinfectants, suicide prevention, mental health and psychosocial support for health workers, among others.
Virtual Campus participants can also freely access educational materials from completed courses, such as guides, presentations, videos and bibliographies.