Candidates for Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to be nominated between 1 March and 1 May

Candidates for Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to be nominated between 1 March and 1 May

Flags of countries of the Americas

The process of electing the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PASB) begins today with the President of the Executive Committee of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) calling on all Member States, Participating States, and Associate Members to submit nominations for this position.

Election of Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to be held in 2017 

Washington, D.C., 1 March 2017 (PAHO/WHO) - The process of electing the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PASB) begins today with the President of the Executive Committee of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) calling on all Member States, Participating States, and Associate Members to submit nominations for this position. 

The Member States of PAHO will elect the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (PAHO's executive body) during the 29th Pan American Sanitary Conference, to be held 25-29 September 2017 at PAHO Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

As required by PAHO's Constitution, the Director will have a five-year term of office and cannot be re-elected more than once. The person elected will take office on 1 February 2018 and will complete their term on 31 January 2023. 

The rules governing the election of the PASB Director call for the process to begin by 1 March 2017 with the President of the PAHO Executive Committee notifying PAHO's Member States, Participating States, and Associate Members and inviting nominations for the Director's post to be submitted to the Executive Committee President.

Each PAHO Member State, Participating State, and Associate Member may nominate only one candidate, who must be a citizen of a country of the Region of the Americas. The submission deadline for nominations is 1 May 2017. All documents supporting nominations will be translated and made available to all PAHO Member States, Participating States, and Associate Members in the Organization's four official languages by 1 June 2017.

More information on the process of electing the PASB Director can be found in Article 21, paragraph A of the PAHO Constitution; in Part IX, Rule 56 of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference; and in the Rules Governing the Election Process for the Position of Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, as approved by Resolution CD47.R4 which is available in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.


Important dates in the process of electing the Director
- Election Process for the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau