Natural Hazards Monitoring - 9 July 2022



Cuba (Update)

On 8 August, the Cuba Ministry of Health provided an update about a fire that occurred in the city Matanzas on 5 August. As of 8 August, 129 people had been treated, 24 of which were hospitalized and 101 had been discharged. The report is available at: Ministerio de Salud Publica.  



Severe Weather


On 9 August, according to media reports, the mayor of the municipality of Cañasgordas reported that at least 5,000 families in the villages of El Cestilla and San Pascual are isolated due to a landslide caused by heavy rains that resulted in blocking the main road. To deal with the emergency, the municipality has been working with machinery to remove the road obstructions. In addition, in the municipality of Bello, in the metropolitan area of Medellin, 450 families were affected by the collapse of two buildings due to the sudden flooding of rivers and streams. The media reports are available at: Infobae and El Tiempo.