Natural Hazards Monitoring - 8 February 2023


Severe weather


On 7 February 2023, the Civil Protection of Bolivia (VIDECI per its acronym in Spanish), reported a high hydrological risk for Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, La Paz, and Tarija due to severe rain and flooding. There are 23 municipalities that have been affected by the severe weather. At least, 10,445 families were affected, 2 deaths have been reported, 60 homes were affected, and 15 homes destroyed. The reports are available at: VIDECI 1VIDECI 2



On 8 February 2023, the Brazil Communication Agency Brazil (EBC per its acronym in Portuguese), provided information on severe rain and flooding causing damage in the state of Rio de Janeiro. As of 7 February, there were 105 flooding incidents, 37 landslides, and 70 rescues had been carried out of trapped or stranded persons. Additionally, there are at least 2 deaths. The report is available at: EBC