Natural Hazards Monitoring - 7 December 2022


Severe weather  

Colombia (update)

On 7 December 2022, the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD per its acronym in Spanish) provided an update regarding the rainy season, caused by the influence of the La Niña phenomenon throughout the Departments of Nariño, Cundinamarca and Cauca, Colombia. In the municipality of Fusagasugá, Department of Cundinamarca, 24 people were affected and 6 houses were destroyed. In the municipality of Timbio, Cauca Department, 200 people were affected. The report is available at: UNGRD


Brazil (update)

On 6 December 2022, the Brazil Agency of Communication, provided information regarding the heavy rains in the state of Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. In the state of Bahia, there were 14,358 people that had to leave their homes across 53 municipalities of the state, and 31 municipalities declared emergency. In the State of Rio de Janeiro, 160 people had to leave their homes the municipality of Macaé. The report is available at: EBC