Natural Hazards Monitoring - 6 June 2024

Severe weather


On 6 June 2024, the Chile Ministry of the Interior and Civil Protection (SENAPRED per its acronym in Spanish) published information on the frontal system occurring in the central-southern region of the country. In the region of Maule, 25 people are isolated. In the Region of Biobío, 10 people were directly impacted, 45 are isolated, five people are in shelters, and 113 homes were affected. In the Region of Ñuble, 15 homes were affected. The report is available from: SENAPRED



On 6 June 2024, the Guatemala National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED per its acronym in Spanish) published information on the rainy season in the country. There have been 141 severe rain incidents reported nationally. At least 536,458 people were affected and 661 directly impacted, 529,371 people were attended to, 1,924 people were evacuated, and two people died. In addition, 161 homes suffered severe damage and 479 homes were moderately damaged. The report is available from: CONRED