Natural Hazards Monitoring - 6 June 2023

On 6 June 2023, the Civil Protection of Haiti reported the occurrence of a 5.7 magnitude earthquake in the Grand-Anse region on 6 June. Media has reported there were 4 deaths and 36 people were injured. The earthquake struck before dawn near the southwestern coastal city of Jeremie. The reports are available at: Civil Protection of Haiti and CNBC news

Severe weather  
Haiti (Update)
On 6 June 2023, the Civil Protection of Haiti, provided an update on the heavy rains occurring in the country.  There were 39,458 affected families (31,983 increase since the 5 June report) and 51 deaths (36 increase), as well as 1,625 damaged homes and 31,591 flooded homes (30,372 increase). In addition, 18 people are missing (10 increase) and 140 people were injured. Additionally, the health sectors in the Ouest and Sud Est departments are directly affected for the health sector; five healthcare facilities were flooded, two in Léogâne, one in Gressier, one in Marigot, and one in Belle-Anse. The reports are available at: Civil Protection of Haiti 1 and Civil Protection Haiti 2
Peru (Update)
As of 6 June 2023, the Peru Civil Protection (INDECI per its acronym in Spanish), published updated information on the heavy rains affecting several departments in Peru.

The detailed reports are available from: INDECI-Amazonas-11APR, INDECI-Áncash-9May,  INDECI-Áncash-6Jun, INDECI-Apurímac-14May, INDECI-Arequipa-27APR, INDECI-Aycacucho-4May, INDECI-Cajamarca-8May, INDECI-Cusco-28APR, INDECI-Huancavelica-22May, INDECI-Huancavelica-31May, INDECI-Huánuco-12May, INDECI-Ica-7May, INDECI-La Libertad-29APR, INDECI-Lambayeque-22May, INDECI-Lambayeque-6Jun, INDECI-Lima-6May, INDECI-Pasco-14APR, INDECI-PIURA-29MAY,  INDECI-San Martín-27APR, INDECI-Tumbes-8May and INDECI-Ucayali-14APR and INDECI-Puno-15May.