Natural Hazards Monitoring - 4 November 2022


Severe weather 

Venezuela (Update) 

On 4 November 2022, the Bolivarian Government of Azoátengui State in Venezuelareported 4 deaths in the municipalities of Sotillo (3) and Guanta (1) due to heavy rains caused by tropical wave No. 49. In addition, media reported 300 houses were affected and 5 deaths occurred between the Valle Verde and Puerto la Cruz sectors of Azoátengui State. Since 1 April, the beginning of the 2022 rainy season, heavy rains have caused numerous landslides accounting for 84 deaths and at least 14,000 damaged homes. The reports are available at: Gobierno Bolivariano de Anzoátengui 1MeteoZulia, and INFOBAE Venezuela.