Natural Hazards Monitoring -30 September, 2021


Severe Weather  


On 30 September, the Guatemala National Coordination System for Disaster Reduction (CONRED as per its acronym in Spanish) updated the information for the 2021 Rainy Season. As of 29 September, 855 severe weather events have been reported affecting 1,401,311 persons. Overall, a total of 11,478 persons have been evacuated, of which 644 were placed in shelters, while 17,000 persons are at risk, 17 persons were injured, and 29 deaths have been reported. Additionally, a total of 4,356 houses have sustained slight (1,349), moderate (2,882) and severe (125) damages, while another 246 are at risk. Furthermore, 11 buildings and 24 bridges have been affected, among the bridges, 14 were destroyed. The report is available in Spanish at: CONRED.