Natural Hazards Monitoring - 30 March 2023

Severe weather  


On 29 March 2023, the Brazil state of Ceará published information on heavy rains affecting the state. There are 14 municipalities of Ceará that are in an emergency and one municipality has declared a calamity. At least 3,693 people have been displaced, 26 were injured, and 6 deaths were reported. The report is available from: Governo do Estado do Ceará

Peru (Update)

On 30 March 2023, the Peru Civil Protection (INDECI per its acronym in Spanish), published updated information on the heavy rains affecting the departments of Áncash, Ica, and Piura. In the department of Áncash, there were 7,584 people affected (7,584 increase since the 27 March report), 2,428 homes (136 increase) and 6 health care facilities were affected, and 170 homes were destroyed (34 increase). In the department of Ica, there were 4,876 people affected (4,240 increase since the 29 March report), 1,799 homes were affected (1,572 increase), and 98 homes were destroyed (43 increase). In the department of Piura, 51,386 people were affected (19,089 increase since the 27 March report), 17,332 homes (5,906 increase) and 56 health care facilities were affected (21 increase), and 1,400 homes (321 increase) and 11 health care facilities (4 increase) were destroyed; seven of the affected institutions providing health services (IPRESS per its acronym in Spanish) are operational. The detailed reports are available from: INDECI-Áncash, INDECI-Ica and INDECI-Piura