Natural Hazards Monitoring - 30 July 2021


On 29 July, the National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED, per its acronym in Spanish) reported Fuego volcano presented 6 to 10 weak to moderate explosions, which raised ash columns to 4,800 meters above sea level, while dispersing 30 kilometers to the west, southwest, and northwest. Weak, moderate and strong rumblings were perceived, causing shock waves and vibrated roofs and windows of homes located in communities adjacent to the volcanic building. Explosions raised incandescent pulses to 300 meters. Similarly, weak, and moderate avalanches were reported that descended through the Santa Teresa, Ceniza, Taniluyá, Trinidad, Las Lajas, and Honda canyons. The report is available at: CONRED 


Severe Weather 

On 30 July, media reported loss of human life and damage to rural aqueducts, roads, and other structures in La Bella de Pereira district, department of Risaralda, due to floods and landslides. According to the “Ideam daily alert bulletin” of 29 July, Pereira is on an orange alert due to the probability of landslides, while Santa Rosa de Cabal is on a yellow alert. In the rural parts of Risaralda’s capital, Pereira, two people lost their lives and in La Bella the water supply in the village of El Chocho was impacted due to damage to the aqueduct of this zone. According to the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management, between 1-22 July of this year, 101 events have been reported in Colombia, in 77 municipalities of 21 departments, with the most impacted being Norte de Santander, Antioquia, Arauca, Caquetá, Putumayo, Meta, Cundinamarca, and Santander. These events have caused 22 injuries, affected 5,130 families, and impacted 3,718 homes of which 17 were destroyed. The report is available at: ELDIARIO