Natural Hazards Monitoring - 3 November 2022


Severe weather  

Guatemala (Update) 

On 3 November 2022, the Guatemala National Coordination System for Disaster Reduction (CONRED per its acronym in Spanish) issued an update regarding the 2022 rainy season. To date, 4,808 incidents related to heavy rains have been reported in the country (146 increase since the 28 October report). Overall, in 2022, an increase of 428% of reported incidents related to the rainy season was observed when compared to the Final Rainy Season Report of 2021. In 2022, there have been 5,986,922 affected persons (1,492,636 in 2021), 63,119 evacuees (12,004 in 2021), 13,922 sheltered (703 in 2021), 41 injured (17 in 2021), and 67 deaths (36 in 2021) reported. In addition, in 2022, a total of 30,399 homes reported mild, moderate, or severe damage while 5,158 remain at risk, 325 schools have been affected, 20 highways have been destroyed, and 70 bridges have been destroyed. The report is available at: CONRED.