Natural Hazards Monitoring - 3 April 2023


Severe weather  


On 30 March 2023, the Ecuador Risk Management Department of Communication published updated information regarding a landslide previously reported on 26 March 2023 in the Alausí Canton, Chimborazo Province, following heavy rains occurring in the country. As of 30 March 2023, a total of 1,150 people have been affected affected (540 additional persons since the 29 March report), 37 people are reported as injured (6 additional persons), and 72 people are missing (5 additional persons missing). At least 57 homes were destroyed and 60% of the drinking water service has been affected. The report is available at: Gestion de Riesgo Ecuador


Peru (Update)

On 3 March 2023, the Peru Civil Protection (INDECI per its acronym in Spanish), published updated information on the heavy rains affecting Apurímac, Áncash, Huancavelica, Ica, Lambayeque, and Piura Departments. In the Apurímac Department, a total of 974 people affected persons have been reported, 40 homes were affected, and 15 homes were destroyed. In the Áncash Department, there were 8,948 people affected (increase of 1,364  since the 30 March report), 2,861 homes (increase of 433) and 7 health care facilities (increase of 1) were affected, and 280 homes (increase of 110) and 3 health care facilities were destroyed (increase of 1). In the department of Huancavelica, there were 4,011 people affected (161 increase since the 27 March report), 1,435 homes (659 increase) were affected, and 23 homes (21 increase) were destroyed. In the department of Ica, there were 5,574 people affected (698 increase since the 30 March report), 2,353 homes (553 increase) were affected, and 105 homes (7 increase) were destroyed. In the department of Lambayeque, 27,331 people were affected (11,368 increase since the 28 March report), 8,071 homes (2,843 increase) were affected and 2,646 were destroyed; thirteen of the affected institutions providing health services (IPRESS per its acronym in Spanish) are operational. In the department of Piura, 67,969 people were affected (16,583 increase since the 30 March report) and 14 deaths were reported; 22,672 homes (5,340 increase) were affected and 1,853 were destroyed (453 increase); fifteen of the affected institutions providing health services (IPRESS per its acronym in Spanish) are operational. The detailed reports are available from: INDECI-ApurímacINDECI-ÁncashINDECI-HuancavelicaINDECI-IcaINDECI-Lambayeque and INDECI-Piura


United States of America

On 3 April 2023, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), published updated information regarding the severe thunderstorms reported between 31 March and 2 April 2023, affecting a large area from the Southern Plains to the Great Lakes. According to the report, damages to a significant number of homes, business, and public buildings were reported; In the state of Alabama, 4 homes were destroyed and 20 homes were affected; In the state of Mississippi, 75 homes were affected; In the state of Tennessee, 259 homes were affected; There were 91 homes destroyed and 169 homes affected in the state of Indiana; In the state of Arkansas, 150 structures were destroyed and 300 structures were affected; The government has opened 7 shelters that are currently housing 16 people. There were 29 deaths reported, of which, 15 occurred in the state of Tennessee, 5 in the state of Indiana, 4 in the state of Illinois, 5 in the state of Arkansas, and 1 reported in the states of Mississippi and Alabama. The states of Kentucky, Arkansas, Kansas, Illinois, and Iowa has declared state of emergency. At least 110,000 people are without power. The report is available at: FEMA