Natural Hazards Monitoring - 29 November 2022


Severe weather  


On 29 November 2022, the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD as per its acronym in Spanish) recorded that the Cauca, Cundinamarca, Norte de Santander, Magdalena, Meta, and Córdoba departments have been the most affected by the rainy season and the La Niña phenomenon. According to the report, in the municipality of San Antonio, Cundinamarca Department, 40 families and 150 people were affected, Cucutilla Municipality, Norte de Santander Department, 64 people were affected and 16 houses were damaged, in Tenerife Municipality, Bolinho Department, 2,500 people were affected, and in the municipality of Varsóvia, Meta Department, 24 people were affected. The report is available at: UNGRD



On 29 November 2022, the Civil Protection of Paraná State, provided information regarding the 28 November landslide reported in the municipality of Guaratuba. According to the report, the landslide affected about 200 meters of both lanes of the BR-376 highway. The layers of mud dragged at least five trucks and 10 vehicles off the road. The Civil Defense teams are also monitoring other emergencies on the coast, such as flooding in Guaraqueçaba, Morretes, and Matinhos municipalities. So far, 400 people have been displaced and 106 houses damaged. The reports are available at: Defesa Civil PR 1 and Defesa Civil PR 2


Severe weather  


On 28 November 2022,  media reported that approximately 3,000 people have been displaced in the municipality of Prado, state of Bahia, Brazil, due to the heavy rains. At least five communities are isolated because bridges that connect to other parts of the city have been blocked. The report is available at: G1