Natural Hazards Monitoring - 29 March 2023

Severe weather  


On 29 March 2023, the Ecuador Risk Management Department of Communication published information on a 26 March landslide in Cantón Alausí, following heavy rains occurring in the country. There were 616 people affected (94 increase since the 27 March report), 31 people are reported as injured (15 increase), and 67 people are missing (60 increase). At least 163 homes and 20% of the drinking water service has been affected. The report is available at: Gestion de Riesgo Ecuador


Peru (Update)

On 29 March 2023, the Peru Civil Protection (INDECI per its acronym in Spanish), published updated information on the heavy rains in the departments of Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Ica, La Libertad, and Lima. In the department of Arequipa, there were 5,579 people affected, 2,351 homes and 4 health care facilities were affected, and 38 homes were destroyed. In the department of Ayacucho, there were 11,143 people affected (3,898 increase since the 23 March report); there were 1,521 homes (323 increase) and 25 health care facilities (18 increase) affected and 1 health care facility was destroyed. In the department of Cajamarca, there were 551 people affected and 152 homes and 2 health care facilities were affected. In the department of Ica, there were 636 people affected (64 increase since the 23 March report); there were 55 homes destroyed (50 increase) and 1 health care facility was affected. In the department of La Libertad, 5,745 people were affected (683 increase since the 28 March report). In the department of Lima, 4,985 people were affected (378 increase since the 24 March report), 1,949 homes (204 increase) and 3 health care facilities were affected (1 increase), and 188 homes were destroyed (82 increase. The reports are available from: INDECI-ArequipaINDECI-AyacuchoINDECI-CajamarcaINDECI-ICAINDECI-La Libertad, and INDECI-Lima


United States of America

On 28 March 2023, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), published updated information on severe thunderstorms in the Lower Mississippi area of the United States. In the state of Mississippi, 1,250 structures were affected, and 313 structures were destroyed. Deaths were reported in the state of Mississippi (21), Georgia (1), and Alabama (1). In Mississippi, 2 shelters were opened (1 decrease since the 27 March report), housing 29 people (36 decrease). In Georgia 3 shelters were opened housing 53 people. The report is available at: FEMA