Natural Hazards Monitoring - 29 June 2021


Severe Weather  

On 28 June, media reported that the passage of Hurricane Enrique through Guerrero state damaged 207 homes, generated 28 landslides, and caused the death of 2 people. The most affected areas are Copalillo and Coahuayutla, the latter of which had 120 homes that sustained damages. Most of the 28 landslides occurred in Coahuayutla and Tecpan; additionally, 44 trees fell in Acapulco, Tecpan, and Coyuca de Catalán. Moderate to heavy rains are still expected in the Costa Grande and Sierra Guerrero Regions and steady rainfall is expected in the rest of the county. The local government has coordinated aid to provide support to the affected populations. The report is available at Debate.