Natural Hazards Monitoring - 27 June 2023

Severe weather  
Chile (Update)

On 26 June 2023, the Chile Ministry of the Interior and Civil Protection (SENAPRED per its acronym in Spanish) published updated information on the frontal system that has been developing in the central-southern region of the country. SENAPRED reports 13,731 people are displaced (7,600 increase since the 25 June report) and 13,196 people affected. Additionally, 1,421 homes were destroyed (1,367 increase), 1,024 homes suffered severe damage (129 increase), and 2,580 homes were moderately damaged (78 increase). In the region of Ñuble 1,700 people are reported as isolated. The report is available from SENAPRED: SENAPRED
Haiti (Update)

On 26 June 2023, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), published updated information on the heavy rains that started 3 June 2023 in Haiti. There were 45,000 affected families, 143 persons are reported as injured, 20 people are reported as missing, and there were 58 deaths. Additionally, 34,519 homes were flooded, and 2,843 homes were destroyed or affected. The Ouest department has been the most affected, mainly in Cité Soleil of Port-au-Prince (18,416 affected families). In the department of Nord Ouest there were 3 health care facilities and 48 schools affected. The report is available at: OCHA