Natural Hazards Monitoring - 25 March, 2022



Severe Weather  


On 24 March, the Guatemala National Coordination System for Disaster Reduction (CONRED per its acronym in Spanish), reported that due to the passage of a cold front on 23 March heavy rains were reported in the department of Izabal. According to a Damage Assessments and Needs Analysis (EDAN per its acronym in Spanish), 1,110 people were affected, 1,110 people were evacuated, and 183 houses sustained mild to severe damage. The communities most affected by the rains are the Arapahoe Viejo village, the Juyama village, and the Cheyenne village in Morales, Izabal. The report is available at: CONRED.  



On 25 March, the Peru National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI per its acronym in Spanish), reported intense rains in the district of Lajas in Chota, Cajamarca that occurred on 24 March that caused the overflow of the Jalqueño River into the Villalourdes sector. According to Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (EDAN per its acronym in Spanish), 180 people were affected of which 16 are now without houses; 55 houses were affected, and 5 houses were destroyed. In addition, 1 educational institution, 1 bridge, 180 meters of urban roads and water and sewage services were damaged. Support through humanitarian aid goods is being coordinated with the Provincial Municipality of Chota and the Regional Government of Cajamarca. The report is available at: INDECI.  




Severe Weather  

Suriname (Update)  

On 25 March, according to a media report, approximately 3,000 households were affected by flooding in the interior of Suriname. The Ministry of Regional Development and Sports, the Red Cross, and the National Disaster Management Coordination Center (NCCR) is providing humanitarian aid to affected communities. There were 1,100 households that have received emergency aid packages including drinking water, food, candles, and other items. Reports indicate that the flood water is beginning to drain from some villages, however in some areas flooding remains persistent. In Saramacca, 200 households were affected, 50 of which received emergency aid packages. The report is available at: GFC Nieuws.