Natural Hazards Monitoring - 25 February, 2022

Note: PAHO has published guidance urging countries to improve disease surveillance efforts after floods to mitigate and control disease outbreaks with potentially serious public health implications. The notification is available at: PAHO.   



Severe Weather  

Brazil (Update)  

On 25 February, the Brazil National Civil Defense (DCN per its acronym in Portuguese) provided an update to the ongoing heavy rains and landslides affecting Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro for the last several days. To date, 887 people were displaced from their homes and temporarily placed in 13 shelters, 30 people are reported as missing, and 217 fatalities have been reported. According to a media report, 1,764 landslides occurred since February 15 in the Petropolis area. The reports are available at: DCN and Agência Brasil.