Natural Hazards Monitoring - 24 August 2023

Tropical Storm

Dominican Republic

On 23 August 2023, the Emergency Operations Center of Dominican Republic (COE per its acronym in Spanish) published a preliminary report regarding the passage of Tropical Storm Franklin the same day, with 25 provinces under red alerts and 7 under yellow alerts. There were 280 people reported as evacuated to safe areas, 13 shelters were opened with 312 occupants, 549 houses and 2,760 roads were affected, and 6 communities are isolated. In addition, 406,549 people are reported as being without electricity and 103 water supply systems were affected, with 102 fully out of service affecting a population of 1,318,853. Media is reporting one death in the province of San Cristobal. The reports are available at: COE and Diario libre


On 23 August 2023, the Panama Civil Protection (SINAPROC per its acronym in Spanish) published information regarding the passage of Tropical Storm Franklin on 22 August 2023. There were 100 houses affected in Chepo district, Las Garzas, province of Panama, and 32 families affected in the San Diego sector, Laz Garzas. SINAPROC had also reported on 22 August that three people that were isolated were rescued and evacuated from Chepo. The report is available at: SINAPROCSINAPROC 2



United States of America (Update)

On 22 August 2023, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), published an update on the wildfires in Hawaii. There have been 115 deaths reported (1 increase since the 21 August report) and 67 fire-related injuries. In Maui County all congregate shelters were closed, however, 10 non-congregate shelter are open. The report is available at: FEMA